Emerging Tech 1

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For our final software in ET1, we learned about Arduinos. We had multiple examples that we had to try to recreate and to make it work using coding c++

Memory Game

For the final project, me and my partner Chad were trying to recreate a memory game based on coding and led lights. The goal was to have the computer light up up to 4 colors and we had to press on the buttoons assigned to the led in the right order. There was also a sound machine that made sound if we got it right or wrong. We were inspired by this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWLp87hFHZ8&ab_channel=AlyaAlmarzooqi . The goal of the project was to entertained us. It seemed like a fun game and a good challenge for us. I always like memory games either video games or card games.

Challenges and Problems

Sadly, it wasn't an easy challenge. We faced many problems along the process. One of them is the coding. We copied the code from the creator of the video but some of his stuff doesn't match what he showed. The numbers and the colors of the led lights were all messed up. Another was that, thereotically, he messed up a lot on the board. For example, he put a jumper wire in the positive but called it ground. Our teacher also said they were other mistakes in the board. On the last week, we fixed a good part of the board by doing trial and error but on the way, we encounter more problems. The video is not very good. This led to us not being able to finish the project.

Our progress

We started by researching what could be a IoT project that solves a problem, makes life easieer or just entertain us. We stumbled across a website showing a list of coll Arduinos project. We ended up choosing a memory game because it was the most fun looking and we both like memory's game. We started on the first day by setting up exactly like the video and copied the code. Nothing work except for the sound. No lights no blinking. We then asked Bruce, and he told us the board was thereotically wrong. He tried to fix it and he did. He got one led to ligght up. The next class, we tried to redo it but nothing worked. We then asked Bruce for advice. Later, we started to do trial and erreur which helped us a lot. The code is very confusing for begginers like me and my partner so we didn't really looked into it. After encountering more problems, we decided to stop because it's too hard for begginers and we do not even know if the game will even work. If given more time, we wouldve pick another project.

Overall, it was a good learning experience. The final project was frustrating but we learned a lot along the way. I personnaly do not think I am interested in Arduinos, it is not something I think I will move forward in my life with but I would not mind learning a little bit more.

Final Project